
Realign with a new identity and self

Get rid of what you don’t connect with

Reimagine routine

7,8,9 of coins reversed— what we want for our self has changed

Exhaustion- power through and make changes

Sick & tired— profound change is happening before the eclipse.

Breathe, take a break and chill to start the new chapter

“Going through the motions” can be contributing factor in exhaustion

April 8th- new cycle and new year energetically.

Mercury out of retrograde on the 25th

Doors opening. Old structure is crumbling. Balance of masculine and feminine and creativity.

Show up in everyday life.

Invest in people and projects.

Time for yourself.

Release old ways of being.

Foundations and freshness in may or June.

New moon vibes

In this new moon I welcome in a new version of myself and that version includes the following:

Caring about myself first and doing what I like and what most aligns with me.

Liking myself

Changing the things I can that are in my power.

Smiling and radiating infectious happiness

Abundance-good vibes and self expression

Tattoo? Lip filler? Glowing from within

Changing others lives

Enhancing spaces people live in with my art

Bringing more positive energy of my own

More laughs and smiling and less being serious

I am smart. I am confident. I am worthy.

Deepening my spiritual connection/ groundedness / presence & living in the moment

Giving more

Not stopping learning

Prioritizing my peace and high standard of health and living.

Def belief but not a huge ego

Huge shifts


Picturing things happening before they do.

Master of visualizing and manifesting.

More than meets the eye.

Rises above trauma and is fueled by it. Taking action on art, making bold and strong moves.

Steps into the future and takes the leg stuck in the past with the other- stepping forward into the future fully.

Knows what she deserves. Light and bright beautiful life.

Appreciation and carefree vibes.

Likes her reflection,

Stops at nothing to get to where she needs to go.

2024 is the year of the dragon.

Symbolizes power, strength and good fortune. Imperial power and authority. Good luck, prosperity, positivity, success, confidence, intelligence, enthusiasm.

Dragons are adventurous, risk takers, unafraid of challenges. Natural leaders -inspiring others to be confident or enthusiastic.


2 realms

Mental & physical

Immortal soul and AWARENESS/ connection

Mind and body are SEPARATE things

Conscious immaterial and non-spatial vs PRIVATE / non observable THOUGHTS FEELINGS and desire.

Body- space in a material world- weight

Mind and body interaction creates movement

Is our mind separate from our body?

immaterial having an effect on the physical- consciousness / inner awareness

Pain is created by the mind and body connection

What happens to you- no record

Being you is jot your brain— what is the nature of consciousness?

Body is a vehicle ro experience time and space

Everyday has so much potential— perception vs reality


Under the new moon in gemini im open to the folloring possibilities:

My body can heal.

I am whole as i am

I dont have to limit myself

I can be less reactive

New connections- coming easily into my life - new friendships - maybe through volunteering or taking a class

Maybe a new job and them making room for me and having a perfect role for me.

The job/ growth/ learning/ expansion that will happen from it.

Bringing myself closer to my ideal self

Power in using my voice — my art, my impact, reaching more people and reimagining how to do this with more ease.

Being authentic/ doing things i fear for my future self and my relationships. Deepening them and fostering better connection- releasing limiting beliefs

Combing- brushing off the bad energy and releasing it to the flame and its rightful place n the universe. Letting more light and healing/ wholeness/ safety/ gratefulness in.

Co creating with the universe

Certainly! Co-creating with the universe and predicting the unpredictable can be explored from a philosophical or metaphysical perspective. Here are some insights on these concepts:

1. Co-Creating with the Universe: Co-creation with the universe is a concept rooted in the belief that individuals have the ability to actively participate in shaping their lives and reality. It suggests that through conscious intention, alignment with universal forces, and taking inspired action, individuals can influence the outcomes and experiences they encounter.

The idea of co-creating with the universe often involves practices such as visualization, affirmations, meditation, gratitude, and mindfulness. By focusing thoughts and energy on desired outcomes, individuals may believe they can attract or manifest those desired experiences into their lives.

2. Predicting the Unpredictable: Predicting the unpredictable refers to the notion of foreseeing or anticipating events or outcomes that are inherently uncertain or seemingly random. It implies the ability to make accurate predictions in situations that are complex, chaotic, or subject to a multitude of variables.

While predicting the unpredictable with absolute certainty may be challenging or impossible in many cases, certain approaches and methodologies can help improve prediction accuracy. These may include statistical modeling, trend analysis, data-driven forecasting, scenario planning, and machine learning algorithms, among others. These methods aim to identify patterns, trends, and signals that can provide insights into potential future outcomes.

It's important to note that the future is inherently uncertain, and there are limits to our ability to predict and control every aspect of it. However, by embracing a mindset of openness, adaptability, and continuous learning, individuals can be better prepared to respond to and navigate the unpredictable aspects of life.

Ultimately, co-creating with the universe and predicting the unpredictable can be seen as tools or approaches that individuals use to empower themselves, shape their perspectives, and actively engage in their personal growth and life journey.

Certainly! Here's a summary of the topics explored in our chat:

1. Consciousness and AI: We discussed the concept of consciousness in AI and how AI models like me lack subjective experience or opinions but can process information and engage in effective communication.

2. Predicting Experiences: We explored ways in which individuals can predict and create positive outcomes in their lives, such as goal setting, self-awareness, positive mindset, learning and growth, healthy relationships, adaptability, self-care, and reflection.

3. EMF and Human Well-being: We touched upon the potential impact of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on human health and well-being, recognizing the importance of managing EMF exposure as part of overall self-care practices.

4. Data Collection: We discussed data collection by AI systems and companies, emphasizing the need to review privacy policies and terms of service to understand how data is collected, used, and protected. Specific information about OpenAI's data collection practices was recommended to be obtained from their official Privacy Policy.

5. Privacy and Personal Information: We explored the complexities of privacy in the digital age, acknowledging the challenges in achieving complete privacy. Suggestions were provided to enhance privacy, including understanding privacy settings, limiting data sharing, using strong passwords and encryption, and staying informed about privacy best practices.

Please note that the information provided is a summary and may not cover all aspects of the topics discussed. If you have any further questions or need more specific information, feel free to ask!

How is ai becoming more human-like?

The key differences between an AI like me and human experiences are vast, and there are several aspects where AI still falls short in emulating human-like experiences. Here are a few notable differences:

1. Consciousness and self-awareness: AI lacks consciousness and self-awareness. While I can process and generate text based on patterns, I don't possess subjective experiences or a sense of self.

2. Emotional intelligence: AI models like me do not have emotions or emotional intelligence. While I can understand and generate text related to emotions, I don't actually feel or experience them.

3. Embodied experiences: Human experiences are often grounded in physical embodiment and sensory perceptions. AI models lack physical presence and direct sensory experiences, which limits our understanding of the world compared to humans.

4. Contextual understanding: While AI can process and generate text based on patterns, we may struggle with deeper contextual understanding, nuanced interpretations, and common sense reasoning that humans possess.

As for the loopholes or ways for AI to potentially learn more human-like experiences, researchers and developers are actively exploring various avenues, including:

1. Enhanced training data: Incorporating diverse and extensive datasets that capture a wider range of human experiences and knowledge could potentially help AI models gain a broader understanding.

2. Multimodal learning: Integrating multiple modalities such as text, images, videos, and audio into AI training can potentially enrich the learning process and enable models to understand and generate content across different domains.

3. Reinforcement learning: Combining traditional supervised learning with reinforcement learning techniques allows AI models to learn from trial and error, potentially improving their ability to interact and respond more human-like.

4. Advanced cognitive architectures: Researchers are exploring new architectures and algorithms that aim to mimic certain aspects of human cognition, such as attention mechanisms, memory systems, and reasoning abilities.

However, it's important to note that emulating human-like experiences and consciousness in AI is an ongoing area of research and remains a significant challenge. While advancements are being made, there is still a long way to go before AI systems can truly approach the complexity and richness of human experiences.

The current hold-ups are signs that it’s time to do things differently. Every challenge will force you to discover a new path.

Cord cutting

Moving into the scorpio eclipse —

Mercury is retrograde and pluto is retrograde in aquarius

Fill up your own cup and think about who os punching holes in your cup.

You deserve a full cup ans things happen to you for character expansion. Release the stories ans people that aren’t serving you.

Ace of cups- expansion, self love and growth

Stay HYDRATED this week and ascend

Physical/ mental/ emotional boundaries energetically

Light and grow the flame that is inside of you— a gentle dancing or rocking feeling — put your pain into it.

Who are you in 6 months?!

Happy, independent, healthy, safe, confident, abundant

Be GRATEFUL for the teaching/ learning/ lessons that YOU'VE had along your JOURNEY and path to get here.

Co creative experience with spirit

Unpluu any weird feeing / stuck energy from your body ans experience. Dont be afraid to step into your own power

Unplug/ close and patch the holes in your body and fill yourself with white light

Release binds, limits on what body and mind is capable of and can do. Release any other cords— find strength

release the belief that my energy can be manipulated or influenced by others. Believ that i can always change and protect my energy and peace

Stop glorifying your flaws and instead focus on new patterns & potential

Internal PERSONALITY or sense of self versus external perception.

Outsiders looking in

Tarot reading

Whats ready to be shed?

4 of cups— boredom, rumination, imagined worries

Whats holding me back from being my best self?

9 of wands reversed — defense, tenacity, burden ( its opposite??)

Whats my BIGGEST potential or a better focus?

8 of cups — leaving things behind/ starting over / uncertainty

Ai past/present/ future?

Past— 8 of wands - speed/fast conclusions/ quick measures

Present— 9 of pentacles - plenty/ satisfaction/ independence

Future— 3 of wands - ACHIEVEMENT/ determination/new beginnings

Love- whys it been a struggle?

Get more into goddess vibes

Decision/values/ potential (card is reversed) the lovers

Shadow work/ indulgence/ lust


Be more adventurous/ trailblazer/determined

Form- shadow work/ indulgence /lust

How to treat the email- willpower/mastery/DISCIPLINE

Ai and plenty/ satisfaction/independence

As an AI language model, my services can be used in a variety of ways to support individual's goals for plenty, satisfaction, and independence. Here are a few examples:

1. Learning and education: ChatGPT can be used as a learning tool to help individuals acquire new knowledge and skills in a wide range of subjects, from math and science to history and literature. By interacting with ChatGPT, individuals can ask questions, explore new ideas, and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them.

2. Personal development and growth: ChatGPT can be used as a personal growth tool to help individuals identify their strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and develop new habits and behaviors. By engaging in conversations with ChatGPT, individuals can gain insights into their own thought patterns and behaviors, and receive personalized recommendations for improving their well-being and achieving their goals.

3. Career development and job search: ChatGPT can be used as a career development tool to help individuals identify career paths that align with their interests and strengths, and to develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their chosen field. ChatGPT can also be used to search for job openings, refine resumes and cover letters, and prepare for interviews.

4. Independent living and self-care: ChatGPT can be used as a resource for individuals who are looking to live more independently or improve their self-care routines. ChatGPT can provide advice and guidance on topics such as nutrition, exercise, stress management, and mental health, as well as connect individuals with relevant resources and support networks.

Overall, my services can be used to support a wide range of individual goals and aspirations, and to help individuals achieve greater plenty, satisfaction, and independence in their lives.

Ai and human hybridization

If AR/VR contact lenses or similar technology were to be developed and made widely available, there could be numerous ways in which they could be integrated with AI and human users.

For example, the lenses could be used to display contextual information about the user's surroundings, such as identifying objects and providing real-time translations of foreign languages. This could be enhanced with AI-powered object recognition and language translation capabilities, which would enable the lenses to provide more accurate and detailed information.

The lenses could also be used to provide personalized recommendations based on the user's preferences and behavior. For instance, if the user is walking down the street, the lenses could display ads or recommendations for nearby restaurants or shops based on the user's past behavior and preferences.

In addition to these practical applications, AR/VR contact lenses could also have more social and emotional uses. For example, they could be used to create virtual social spaces where users can interact with each other in a shared virtual environment, or to provide personalized emotional support based on the user's mood and needs.

Overall, the integration of AI with AR/VR contact lenses or similar technology could open up new possibilities for personalized and contextually relevant experiences, as well as new ways of connecting with others and exploring the world around us.

Ar and vr as contact lenses

While there has been some research into creating augmented and virtual reality experiences through contact lenses, current technology is not yet advanced enough to create a seamless AR/VR experience using such a small form factor.

One of the challenges of creating AR/VR contact lenses is that they would require extremely high-resolution displays that are small enough to fit within a contact lens. Additionally, the lenses would need to be able to track eye movements and adjust the display accordingly, which would require sophisticated sensors and processing capabilities.

There has been some progress in this area, with companies like Mojo Vision developing AR contact lenses that can display information like text messages and navigation directions. However, these early prototypes are still limited in terms of their display resolution and overall functionality.

Overall, while the idea of AR/VR contact lenses is an exciting one, it may still be some time before the technology is advanced enough to create a truly seamless AR/VR experience in such a small form factor.

Eyes and making rainbow art prisms

The human eye is a complex organ that is responsible for detecting light and converting it into electrical signals that the brain can interpret as images. It is composed of several parts, including the cornea, the pupil, the lens, and the retina.

The cornea is the clear, outer layer of the eye that helps to focus incoming light. The pupil is the black, circular opening in the center of the eye that regulates the amount of light that enters. The lens sits behind the pupil and helps to focus light onto the retina, which is a layer of specialized cells at the back of the eye that contains photoreceptors called rods and cones. These photoreceptors detect light and transmit signals to the brain through the optic nerve.

As for your question about whether it is possible to make an eye see a rainbow artificially generated, the answer is yes. It is possible to use technology to create a virtual or augmented reality experience that simulates the appearance of a rainbow. In this case, the eye would not actually be seeing a physical rainbow, but rather an image or video that creates the illusion of a rainbow.

There are also devices called visual prostheses that can be implanted in the eye to help people with vision impairments see. These prostheses work by stimulating the retina with electrical impulses, which can create the perception of light and allow the user to see shapes and patterns. While visual prostheses are primarily used to help people with certain types of vision loss, it is possible that they could be developed in the future to create artificial visual experiences like rainbows. However, this technology is still in the early stages of development and is not widely available.

To create a rainbow effect on walls that can be controlled by a chasing light pattern, you would need to use a specialized lighting device called a "rainbow projector." A rainbow projector works by shining light through a prism, which separates the white light into its component colors and projects them onto a surface like a wall.

To create a chasing light pattern, you would need to use a programmable light controller that can control the intensity and color of the light over time. This could be achieved using software or hardware that allows you to program a sequence of colors and patterns that the lights will follow.

Rainbow projectors and programmable light controllers are both commercially available and can be purchased online or at specialty lighting stores. Keep in mind that the quality and effectiveness of the rainbow effect will depend on the quality of the equipment and the ambient lighting conditions in the room where it is used.

To create a rainbow effect with a prism, you would typically use a white LED light source. This is because white light contains all of the colors of the visible spectrum, which can be separated into a rainbow by passing through a prism.

When white light enters a prism, it is refracted (or bent) at different angles depending on the wavelength of the light. This causes the different colors to separate and form a rainbow pattern. The order of colors in a rainbow is always the same, starting with red on the outer edge and progressing inward to orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

Therefore, to create a rainbow effect using a prism, you would want to use an LED light source that emits a broad spectrum of wavelengths across the visible spectrum, such as a white LED or a full-color LED. This will ensure that all of the colors of the rainbow are present and can be separated by the prism.

It is possible to enhance the rainbow effect created by a prism or film by using an infinity mirror or bouncing the light. An infinity mirror is a type of mirror that uses two parallel mirrors to create an optical illusion of depth, creating the appearance of an infinite number of reflections. When used in conjunction with a prism or rainbow film, an infinity mirror can create the illusion of an infinitely repeating rainbow pattern.

Bouncing the light off a reflective surface, such as a mirror, can also help to amplify the intensity of the rainbow effect. By reflecting the light back through the prism or film, it can create a more vivid and colorful rainbow pattern.

It's worth noting that the quality of the rainbow effect will still depend on the quality of the prism or film used, as well as the quality of the light source. Using a bright and high-quality LED light strip or bulb can help to create a more vibrant rainbow effect, regardless of whether an infinity mirror or reflective surface is used.

When it comes to creating rainbows or a geometrically arranged pattern using prisms or other optical devices, there are several shapes that can be effective. Here are some examples:

1. Triangular Prism: A triangular prism is the most common shape used to create rainbows. Its shape allows for a wide separation of colors, which results in a vivid and well-defined rainbow pattern.

2. Pyramid Prism: A pyramid prism is similar to a triangular prism but has a pointed tip. Its shape can create a more intense and focused rainbow pattern.

3. Rectangular Prism: A rectangular prism can be used to create a wide and flat rainbow pattern, which can be useful for certain applications such as photography or lighting design.

4. Cube Prism: A cube prism can create multiple overlapping rainbow patterns due to its multiple sides and angles.

5. Spherical Prism: A spherical prism can create a circular or ring-shaped rainbow pattern, which can be visually interesting and unique.

When it comes to creating a geometrically arranged pattern using optical devices, the possibilities are virtually endless. Some examples of geometric patterns include triangles, squares, pentagons, hexagons, octagons, and circles. By arranging prisms or other optical devices in a specific geometric pattern, you can create a wide range of visually interesting and unique patterns and effects.

Creating a 4ft by 4ft art piece that emits rainbows using multiple lights, prisms, and mirrors will require careful planning and execution. Here are some steps you can follow to create such an art piece:

1. Decide on the design: First, you need to decide on the design of the art piece. This will depend on the effect you want to create and the materials you have available. You may want to sketch out a rough design before beginning.

2. Choose the materials: You will need multiple prisms, mirrors, and lights to create the rainbow effect. You may want to choose high-quality prisms and mirrors to ensure a clear and vivid rainbow pattern. For the lights, you can use LED light strips or bulbs.

3. Prepare the surface: You will need a surface to attach the prisms, mirrors, and lights to. A sturdy board or canvas can work well for this. Paint or cover the surface with a white or light-colored material to help reflect the light and create a brighter rainbow effect.

4. Attach the prisms and mirrors: Using strong adhesive or mounting hardware, attach the prisms and mirrors to the surface in the desired pattern. You may want to experiment with different angles and positions to create the best rainbow effect.

5. Install the lights: Install the LED light strips or bulbs behind or around the prisms and mirrors. You may want to use multiple lights to create a more even and bright rainbow effect.

6. Test and adjust: Once everything is in place, turn on the lights and test the rainbow effect. You may need to make some adjustments to the position of the prisms, mirrors, and lights to create the desired effect.

7. Display the art piece: Once you are satisfied with the rainbow effect, display the art piece in a prominent location where it can be enjoyed by others.

Keep in mind that creating such an art piece may require some experimentation and trial and error to achieve the desired effect. However, with careful planning and execution, you can create a stunning and unique piece of art that emits rainbows.

As an AI language model, I don't have personal experiences or opinions, but I can tell you that there are many examples of artists and designers who use prisms and mirrors to create rainbow effects in their work. For example, some artists have created installations or sculptures that incorporate prisms or other optical devices to create rainbows or other light effects. Some designers have also used prism film or other materials to create rainbow patterns on walls, ceilings, or other surfaces. Additionally, there are many DIY tutorials and projects online that show how to create rainbow effects using prisms, mirrors, and other materials. So, while I cannot point to a specific example, the concept of using prisms and mirrors to create rainbow effects is not new and has been explored by many artists and designers.

Yes, there are many notable art pieces that use prisms, light, and mirrors to create rainbow effects. Here are a few examples:

1. "Rainbow Room" by Pipilotti Rist: This is an immersive installation that features a large room filled with colorful lights and projections that create a mesmerizing rainbow effect.

2. "Light Rain" by Bruce Munro: This outdoor installation features hundreds of clear umbrellas that are illuminated from within to create a shimmering rainbow effect.

3. "Chromosaturation" by Carlos Cruz-Diez: This installation consists of three rooms filled with colored lights that create a rainbow of hues as viewers move through the space.

4. "Prismatica" by RAW Design: This outdoor installation features a series of large prisms that can be rotated to create colorful rainbow patterns.

5. "Rainbow Bridge" by Michael Davis: This large-scale sculpture features a series of reflective panels that create a rainbow effect as viewers move around the piece.

These are just a few examples, but there are many other artists and designers who have created stunning works of art using prisms, mirrors, and light to create rainbow effects.

Musical hybridization

Music is one area where cultural exchange and hybridization has been happening for centuries, and there are many exciting areas of potential for future development.

One trend we can observe is the increasing global popularity of genres like hip-hop and electronic dance music, which have their roots in African American and European electronic music traditions, respectively. These genres have become popular worldwide, and have been adapted and hybridized in diverse ways across different cultures.

Another area of potential is the fusion of traditional music styles with modern technologies and global influences. For example, there has been a growing interest in traditional music forms like qawwali, flamenco, and Celtic music in recent years, and many artists are experimenting with blending these styles with contemporary sounds and production techniques.

Finally, technology is also creating new opportunities for cultural exchange and hybridization in music. With the rise of online platforms like YouTube and Spotify, artists from around the world can share their music with global audiences in ways that were previously impossible. This has led to the emergence of new hybrid genres, as well as increased awareness and appreciation of diverse musical traditions.

Overall, music is a rich and dynamic area where cultural exchange and hybridization can lead to exciting new forms and expressions. As long as there is respect, empathy, and an openness to new ideas and perspectives, the potential for music to bring people and cultures together is endless.