2019 goals

Sell necklaces to chain stores 

Be healthy and go regularly to the gym

eating fruits and veggies 

being more giving, not keeping what I don’t need. 

hang out more with family and friends or volunteering 

only one chocolate bite per day  

start swimming again  

try harder to get better sleep

be present at work.  

Apply to new jobs I like  

nice nails  

no cussing  

more artbyayla posting content  

Plan how to take a yEar for myself  


all are individual steps in your path. How many are we actually taking toward what we want?  what is helping us to our goal everyday? What goal do we have? What are we willing to do to achieve it? 


mirrors are neurons, and they’re what tells us the way we should act. Challenge the mirror, choose what you feel. You can become the reaction you want to have. You don’t have to decide what you think because of the impulse that is inside your head. 



Sound and light

There is a delay in seeing and speaking, or even being heard. It is a minimal delay. It is something so quick that we cannot sense it. 

but sometimes this delay is also long. 

length of time is relative to the speed of your thoughts.

Less thoughts and more time, more thoughts and less time. 

How can we become closer to being able to read what is about to happen. How can we think more before we make, do or be. We don’t just exist, we choose exactly who we want to be. We need to start empowering versus tearing down ourself before we start.  

Grateful for

I am grateful that I feel loved by others in that are in my life. I’m grateful for the company I keep. I’m grateful for the sky and the earth, and the sun and the moon.

The ants and the spiders and the leafs and birds. Watching them fly in patterns. And my arms. That they work. I can move and I can draw. I can run if I want to. I can see. I can drink eat and play if I want to.


Grateful for the way in which nothing is the same for forever and nobody stops changing 

grateful for the support of my community and friends in my art practice. Grateful for my new found pushing against norm’s attitude in life and the questioning and boundary pushing I’ve been doing lately.